... cultural treasures from the past, present and future

discover, feel and enjoy!

Anton Bruckner

war ein Komponist des 19. Jahrhunderts und zählt zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern der Romantik. Geboren am 4. September 1824 in Ansfelden, in der Nähe von Steyr, Österreich, verbrachte er einen Großteil seines Lebens in dieser Region.

Stadtpfarrkirche Steyr (Stadtkirche St. Ägidius): Hier wurde Anton Bruckner getauft, und er hatte eine enge Beziehung zu dieser Kirche. Einige seiner Werke wurden hier aufgeführt, und sein musikalisches Erbe ist in der Kirche präsent.

Anlässlich des 200. Geburtstages widmen sich Austellungen in Stadtmuseum Steyr und Mesnerhaus der Geschichte Anton Bruckners.

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Ausflugstipps & Bruckner Angebot


Night Watchmen City Walk

A night watchman/woman in traditional clothing carrying a lantern and halberd takes you on a tour through the romantic medieval town to the top of the parish church spire, telling you the tales and legends of long ago days.


  • March - October Thursday & Saturday
  • April - September start 8 p.m.
  • October - March start 6 p.m.
  • Duration approx. 2 hours
  • Price € 10,00

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Night Watchmen Dine around

Culinary tour trough Steyr accompanied with a 4-course-menu. Sequence:

1 - Champagne reception in the restaurant
2 - Ascent to the city parish church tower
3 - Hors d'oeuvres in the Steyr Kripperl
4 - "Steyrdorf soup" in the Michaelerkeller
5 - Main course and dessert in the restaurant

  • Event every third friday / month
  • April - September start 8 p.m.
  • October - March start 6 p.m.
  • Duration approx. 3,5 hours
  • Price € 85,00 per person

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Night Watchmen City Walk

A night watchman/woman in traditional clothing carrying a lantern and halberd takes you on a tour through the romantic medieval town to the top of the parish church spire, telling you the tales and legends of long ago days.


  • March - October Thursday & Saturday
  • April - September start 8 p.m.
  • October - March start 6 p.m.
  • Duration approx. 2 hours
  • Price € 10,00


Night Watchmen City Walk

A night watchman/woman in traditional clothing carrying a lantern and halberd takes you on a tour through the romantic medieval town to the top of the parish church spire, telling you the tales and legends of long ago days.


  • March - October Thursday & Saturday
  • April - September start 8 p.m.
  • October - March start 6 p.m.
  • Duration approx. 2 hours
  • Price € 10,00

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Experience walks in Steyr

Guided tours

Hidden courtyards
Many houses on the town square and in Steyrdorf have hidden courtyards from the late Gothic or Renaissance. Enjoy the visit in this secret places and relax. 

Hidden - discovered , Treasure chamber Steyr
Discover visible and hidden art treasures in our city. In the newly renovated town parish church you can hear the Chrismann organ - beloved by Anton Bruckner. In Lamberg Castle you will meet baroque dwarfs with illustrious names and visit the noble library of the counts. The tour ends at the etching workshop of Erich Fröschl in Steyrdorf.


The old Steyrdorf
Following in the footsteps of bakers and candle makers we’ll explore picturesque alleyways and old traditional buildings such as the Lebzelterhaus and Dunklhof – famous for its beauti-ful arcades with richly decorated columns dating back to the 16th century and home of the lyric poetess and novelist Dora Dunkl.

City tour and Castle Lamberg 
National Exhibition - Explore the lives of the nobility! Our guides will accompany you through the historic old town with its buildings steeped in tradition and picturesque alleyways to the provincial exhibition site of Lamberg Castle, where the influence, possessions and pleasures of the blue-blooded lifestyle and the games of strategic power are recounted.


City tour and Innerberger Stadel 
National Exhibition 2021 - Explore the living worlds of the citizens! Our guides will accompany you through the historic old town with its buildings steeped in tradition and picturesque alleyways to the provincial exhibition site Innerberger Stadel, where you will immerse yourself in the world of merchants, industrialists and craftsmen, past and present!


Citytour and Museum Arbeitswelt 
National Exhibition 2021 - Explore the living environments of workers! Our guides will accompany you through the historic old town with its buildings steeped in tradition and picturesque alleyways to the national exhibition site Museum Arbeitswelt (Museum of the Working World), where insights into everyday working life, family life and the diverse challenges faced by factory workers are offered.


  • Every Saturday
  • Time: 2 p.m.
  • Meeting point: townhall, Stadtplatz 27
  • Duration approx. 2 hours
  • Price € 9,00 per person

Booking is necessary and must be made before 12.00 noon at the hotel or at the Steyr Tourist Board! 

Termine und Informationen 

Museums & Expositions

Museum Arbeitswelt

Founded in the course of the national exhibition "Arbeit-Mensch-Maschine" (Work-Man-Machine) in 1987, Austria's first labor museum has developed into an internationally renowned exhibition and cultural center. Inspired by the Grabe-wo-du-stehst movement, the museum is still a place of learning, a knowledge space, a discussion forum and a communication space. A house of contemporary engagement with the past, present and future of our society.

City museum I Innerberger Stadel  

Innerberger Stadel was built as a granary and warehouse in 1611. Today, the historic building houses the Municipal Museum of Steyr. The historic storehouse is a two-gable Renaissance building with facades that are lavishly decorated with sgraffitto. Steyr was at the heart of Austria's iron industry for centuries and the legacy of this thriving trade is on display at the Museum. Exhibits include folk art collections, a nail forge, the Steinparz Bird Collection and weapons from the production of industrialist Josef Werndl.

In 2021, the Innerberger Stadel will be part of the Upper Austrian provincial exhibition ARBEIT WOHLSTAND MACHT.


Schloss Lamberg

Lamberg Castle first appeared in historical documents as "Stirapurch" in 980. The remains of the former fortress can only be seen in fragments of the mighty bailey. In the 11th century the Castle was the residence of the Otokar Dynasty. In 1727 the whole structure was destroyed by a great fire. As a result the Castle was completely rebuilt in lavish Baroque style by the Counts of Lamberg. The Lamberg Castle Library and the precious sandstone figures can be admired in the castle´s inner courtyard.


Christmas museum

Austrias first Christmas Museum with museum train. Antique Christmas decorations as well as 200 dolls. Ride on the Museum Train up three floors to the Angel Workshop, small gifts and Christkindl punch in the Museum Shop. The small train will take you on a journey up the staircase. Small nooks on the ground floor depict ”An old time Austrian Christmas”, others on the first floor show ”Christmas from around the world”. 


Tunnel of Remembrance

A few metres away from the Arbeitswelt Museum, the exhibition shows the destructive interplay between the national socialist invasion policy, arms industry, forced labour and systematic destruction of human lives. The exhibition approaches the topic via biographies and displays personal descriptions, historical photos as well as written documents.

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Nailsmithing in Dambach

From 1615 to 1954, nailsmithing was a flourishing craft in the Dambach Valley. Learn some interesting facts in the demonstration smithy about the nailsmiths´living conditions in those times and try your hand at forging your own nail!

The valley of knife makers

Hiking from one knife producing workshop to the other provides a fascinating look back into the local history of the area´s once thriving cutlery industry. A 1.5 km Theme Trail meanders along Trattenbach Brook and links the knife producing workshops, explaining the natural and cultural history of the area.


Farming technology museum

The authentic Farmhouse provides visitors with insights into arts, culture & technology. The first part of the exhibition (2,800 m2) shows tools and utensils of peasant culture such as a wooden washing machine. The second part illustrates the mechanization of agriculture, including not only the first agricultural implements and combine-harvesters, but also old motorcycles and cars. 

Steyr Card


Free admissions & discounts exclusively for overnight guests! Our SteyrCard makes your city exploration even easier.
We have selected 18 offers for you, which you can enjoy for free or at a reduced rate with the SteyrCard. Culture, industry, nature and architecture are your constant companions on your journey of discovery.

Price € 25,00 

Included benefits